JavaScript Closure in Two Minutes

Nikolay Rademacher
2 min readNov 29, 2020
Photo by Joshua Reddekopp on Unsplash

In JavaScript, closure refers to a function “remembering” the variables outside of it.

This behavior is exclusive to returned functions. Let’s have a look:

function whatDay(weekDay) {
return function saveDay() {

let today = whatDay("Saturday")

today() // Saturday
  1. whatDay is a function that returns a function saveDay.
  2. We assign today a function call of whatDay with "Saturday" as the argument for whatDay's weekDay parameter.
  3. saveDay now closes over the outer variable weekDay (whose value is "Saturday").
  4. today is now permanently linked to the variable, even after it has "expired" in the outer whatDay function after its life cycle completes within the function's block.

This allows us to use the “remembered” variables at appropriate places in our code:

function today(weekDay) {
return function is(adjective) {
console.log(`${weekDay} is ${adjective}`);

const saturdayIs = today("Saturday")
const sundayIs = today("Sunday")

saturdayIs("great") // Saturday is great
sundayIs("better") // Sunday is better

Another example, this time without parameters:

function outer() {
let counter = 0;
function incrementCounter() {
return incrementCounter;

const returnedIncrementCounter = outer();
returnedIncrementCounter(); // 1
returnedIncrementCounter(); // 2

Calls of returnedIncrementCounter seem to increment counter, even though the variable was not declared in incrementCounters block. If we didn't know about closure, we might assume that calling it outside of outer's execution context would throw an error, because counter would be undefined.

But what happens is that the returned function ( returnedIncrementCounter in this case) closes over its own private copy of counter— entirely disconnected from the original in outer — which it will now reference.

Closure has many practical applications in JavaScript, such as limiting the way or number of times a function can be called:

function authenticate() {
this.username = 'johndoe';
this.password = 'hashedAndSalted';
let loginAttempts = 0;
function login(username, password) {
if (loginAttempts >= 3) {
console.log('Sorry, too many attempts. Please contact support.');
if (username !== this.username || password !== this.password) {
console.log('Sorry, incorrect username or password. Please try again.');
loginAttempts += 1;
} else {
console.log(`Login successful! Welcome, ${this.username}.`);
return login;

const userTriesToLogIn = authenticate();
userTriesToLogIn('janedoe', 'secret');
// Sorry, incorrect username or password. Please try again.
userTriesToLogIn('jamesdoe', 'verysecret');
// Sorry, incorrect username or password. Please try again.
userTriesToLogIn('johndoe', '1234567');
// Sorry, incorrect username or password. Please try again.
userTriesToLogIn('johndoe', 'hashed');
// Sorry, too many attempts. Please contact support.

const anotherUserTriesToLogIn = authenticate();
anotherUserTriesToLogIn('johndoe', 'hashed');
// Sorry, incorrect username or password. Please try again.
anotherUserTriesToLogIn('johndoe', 'hashedAndSalted');
// Login successful! Welcome, johndoe.

As we can see, each instance of login starts fresh with its own persisted private copies of the relevant variables.

Pretty neat.

